Breaking Addictions Rosary

Healing through the wounds of Jesus - Breaking addiction

The color of this Rosary represents the flesh and blood of Jesus intermingled during His passion. You could not separate the two! The wounds He suffered were so we could choose to be free. 

The feel of this Rosary is different from the other we make. It shows the coarseness and harshness of addiction. Where the flesh color stops and only the red (blood) continues (here "flesh" changes meaning from the flesh of Jesus to our flesh, i.e., our human nature without grace. ) It is where we stop depending on our flesh and know that we are healed by the Blood of Jesus.

The red cross represents the severity of the physical and emotional hurt = that is addiction. The cross of Christ makes it possible for us to surrender our lives and persevere through the pain.

Breaking Addictions Rosary (Using the Sorrowful Mysteries)

1st. Mystery "Our Surrender"

Matthew 26:37-41

The words of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane show the depth of human suffering. Jesus found hope in the darkest situation in His surrender to the Father. Let us ask Jesus to help us break our bondage to sin so that we may be bonded to Him. Thank you, Jesus, for your healing love.


2nd. Mystery "Withdrawal Pains"

Isaiah 53:5 and Matthew 5:29-30

Jesus fills us with the Holy Spirit and Christin fellowship to strengthen us as we are delivered from areas of sin. Let us ask Jesus for the grace of surrendering our lives to Him. Help us to have the grace of entrusting our will and our lives to the Father.


3rd. Mystery "Breaking from Peer Pressure"

John 18:36-38

Breaking with sin means breaking comfortable habits. We need to choose healthy Christian friends if we are to be healthy. Jesus, give us the boldness to choose the truth in the face of opposition.


4th. Mystery "Taking Responsibility" 

John 19:17 and Matthew 11:28-30

We can find joy in the midst of life's ups and downs if we are obedient to the Father. Let us ask Jesus for the grace to surrender our addictions so that we can carry the cross He has for us.


5th. Mystery "Death to Sin and New Life in Jesus"

Romans 8:11-14

We want to experience new life in Jesus. Lord Jesus, you gave your mother to us and us to her. The church was born from the cross. Help us to recognize the power that flows in your victory.

Breaking Addictions Rosary